Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Using Nano Bridge Point to Point Protocol Luaay Abdlwahed Shihab

Luaay Abdlwahed Shihab

Abstract :

The Internet one of the most important information resources in this area and is a network association for a wide range of computer networks which are spread throughout the world, and this has increased the speed of the Internet to the extent required has been linked by Tower Earth link and has been the way in My use of linking Nano idge m2 Tower linked with towerNano Tower Other in Earth link tower sent and that our point–to–point and then been linked Nano idge a cable 20 meters UTP and cable linking fonts router then distributed on computers .  

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Luaay abdlwahed shihab / Using Nano Bridge Point to Point Protocol Luaay Abdlwahed Shihab / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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