Volume : I, Issue : X, July - 2012

Users’ Opinion Regarding Advertisements on Social Networking Siteswith Special Reference to Facebook

Priyanka Patel

Abstract :

Social Networking websites are becoming one of the best ways to reach customers and clients easily and effectively. Many businesses have begun to notice the potential for reaching out to their target audiences through this new medium. Today, businesses prefer to actively participate on social networking sites and allocate a share of budget pie towards it. The advantages that social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Orkut provide over traditional media advertising are low cost, unlimited access, simplicity, global reach, contact building, flexibility and measurability. This paper attempts to ascertain the alertness of facebook users towards social media advertisements. It also focuses on the impact created by such advertisements on the consumer’s buying behavior. Facebook users seem to be aware about advertisements placed on the Facebook and tag “Like” option of various ands.

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Priyanka Patel Users’ Opinion Regarding Advertisements on Social Networking Siteswith Special Reference to Facebook Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.X July 2012

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