Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Use of Sample Weight in Household Survey: Principles and Practice

Bhim Raj Suwal

Abstract :

 Household survey generally aims to provide sample estimates for different groups of population. Therefore, prior to sample selection, population is stratified especially based on geographical characteristic of 

the population and allocated adequate sample size to each stratum. In allocating sample to different strata, survey 
may follow equal or unequal probability selection method. Sample estimates produced with unequal selection method 
are said to be biased meaning that they are not valid estimate of population unless adjusted with “weight”. This artIcle aims to review basic principles of sample weight, provide evidences of use of sample weight in official surveys of 
Nepal, demonstrates procedure to derive sample weights for different types of sample design, assign them to sample 
data, and derive weighted sample values as unbiased estimate of the population.

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Bhim Raj Suwal Use of Sample Weight in Household Survey: Principles and Practice Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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