Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Usage of Library Information Sources by Research Scholars: An Evaluative Study of Karpagam University

N. Krishnaswamy, Jayaraman. S

Abstract :

The present study determines the usage of liary Information Sources by the scholars of KU Liary.they may acquire information through the research process of finding ideas.the objective of the article is to study the different factors such as Information, Sources, adequate collection,searching information through electronic sources.200 questionaries were distributed among the KU scholars and 145 filled questionaries were received and 72.5 percent response rate. The questionaire survey of data by applying simple percentage. Finding of the study is the research scholars access information through liary sources and e–sources to keep with the developments through scientific research .  

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N. Krishnaswamy, Jayaraman.S Usage of Library Information Sources by Research Scholars: An Evaluative Study of Karpagam University Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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