Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

Usage of Graphical Displays to detect Outlying Observations in Linear Regression

Mintu Kr. Das, Bipin Gogoi

Abstract :

 Here we try to explain the use of graphical displays for outlying and influential observations in regression  analysis. An attempt has been made to classify the observations with the help of some two dimensional  plots, which will be comprised of four quadrants.Depending upon the location of the observations, these will be labeled either as good or bad observations. The observations falling in the upper left and lower right quadrants will be  subjected for further scrutiny. Also the findings are compared with robust regression. For ensuring proper use of such  plots we use some well–referred datasets.

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Mintu Kr.Das, Bipin Gogoi Usage of Graphical Displays to detect Outlying Observations in Linear Regression Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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