Volume : XIII, Issue : IX, September - 2023

Uroflowmetry Tests With Sensation Of Normal Desire V/S With Urgency : A Comparative Study And Its Correlation With IPSS

Prof J. V. S Prakash, Prof. P. V Thiruvarul, Dr. Natarajan. V, Dr. Vetrichandar. S, Dr. Saraswathi. S, Dr. Arunkumar. P, Varun Negi

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UROFLOWMETRY TESTS WITH SENSATION OF NORMAL DESIRE V/S WITH URGENCY : A COMPARATIVE STUDY AND ITS CORRELATION WITH IPSS, Prof J.V.S Prakash, Prof. P.V Thiruvarul, Dr. Natarajan.V, Dr. Vetrichandar.S, Dr. Saraswathi.S, Dr. Arunkumar.P, Varun Negi INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-13 | Issue-9 | September-2023

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