Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Urinary Podocalyxin; a potential new marker for early diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Ashraf H. Mohamed, Hayam A. Heibah, Hossam E Ibrahim, Hanaa M. Abdeen, Abdelnaser Badawy

Abstract :

Aim: Our aim was to study urinary podocalyxin (u–PCX), a podocytes specific protein, as an early marker for diabetic nephropathy. Methods: A cross–sectional study included 116 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)which were divided into three groups; group A, (normoalbuminuria), group B, (microalbuminuria) and group C, (macroalbuminuria) and 45 apparently healthy control subjects were included. Estimation of u–PCX/creatinine ratio, urinaryalbumin/creatinine ratio and urinary N–acetyl–β–D–glucosaminidase / creatinine ratio (u–NCR). Serum creatinine, HbA1c & estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were done. Results:Diabetic patients had significant higher levels of u–PCX, albuminuria, and u–NCR (345.27±253.47 Vs 31.28 ±9.54 ng/mmol, 243.82± 373.67 Vs 8.42± 2.41mg/gm, 3.08±2.79 Vs 0.18±0.09U/mmol, P<0.001 respectively).In patient groups, u–PCX showed significant positive correlation with both albuminuria & u– NCR (r=0.782, P< 0.001 & r=0.865, P< 0.001, respectively) and showed significant negative correlation with eGFR (r= –0.291, P< 0.038). By binary logistic regression analysis, u–PCX was a risk factor for microalbuminuria and early DN. Conclusion: U–PCX can be considered as one among early markers for diabetic nephropathy

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Ashraf H. Mohamed, Hayam A. Heibah, Hossam E Ibrahim, Hanaa M. Abdeen, Abdelnaser Badawy Urinary Podocalyxin; a potential new marker for early diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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