Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Upliftment of Bamboo Artisans as Entrepreneur in Dindigul District

S. V. Akilandeeswari, Dr. C. Pitchai

Abstract :

The Tamilnadu Handicrafts Development Corporation is serving as a fully fledged developmental and promotional agency for Handicrafts Development. To develop this industry the Government works on varies schemes to uplift the artisans. The exports of handicrafts (other than hand knotted carpets) was merely Rs.387.00crores during the year of establishment of the Council i.e. 1986– 87 rose to level of 17970.12 Corers in year 2012–13.Though we have strong export nature, we could not employ our artisan. They are still in poverty. The schemes developed by the government have not reached the unorganized artisans. So this paper deals with the schemes which were used for the upliftment of artisans and make them as an Entrepreneur.

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S.V.Akilandeeswari, Dr.C.Pitchai Upliftment of Bamboo Artisans as Entrepreneur in Dindigul District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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