Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

University Library Portals: an Assessment

Kumara B.

Abstract :

Web–portals serve specific academic research communities. Liaries in general and digital liaries in particular are important memory organizations that form a keystone for the development of the semantic web. Among all the liary portals University liary portals have a special place as they provide a gateway to an institutions resource by listing them for users and creating a direct link to the native interface of each resource. Most University liary portals help the users to employ a liary portal’s search interface to search simultaneously or sequentially in heterogeneous resources that do not share metadata schemes or search and retrieval techniques. In such a context, the present paper attempts to make an assessment of the importance and various features available in most of the University liary portals today.

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Kumara B. University Library Portals: an Assessment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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