Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2018

United States Congressional Research and Legislative Proposals to Educate the American People About the Power Density Safety of Wireless Communications (�W/m2)

Herman Kelting

Abstract :


The purposes of this article are to provide research and legislative recommendations to the United States Congress to increase education of and protection from adverse health conditions associated with wireless communications.  I discuss 48 adverse health conditions caused by radio frequency field radiation (RFFR) and hypothesize that the decline in labor force productivity and increases in depression and contemplation of suicide rates of college students may be caused by RFFR. I offer 11 research suggestions including determining if an RFFR source is more dangerous indoors than outdoors, whether RFFR interfere with the Schumann Resonance and/or human ain waves, and if there is a natural limitation of RFFR beyond which an individual becomes electromagnetic hypersensitive.  I propose seven legislative activities including creation of a new federal agency to support research of and protection from RFFR–emitting equipment, and notices of RFFR power densities expressed in µW/m2 on RFFR–emitting equipment and in enclosed public spaces housing Wi–Fi.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Herman Kelting, United States Congressional Research and Legislative Proposals to Educate the American People About the Power Density Safety of Wireless Communications (�W/m2), INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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