Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Unilateral Variation In The Branching Pattern Of Axillary Artery

Makarand V. Apte, Gauri M. Apte

Abstract :

 During routine cadaveric dissection, finding a variation in the normal anatomical structures is of great interest to all the anatomists. Here, we present a case regarding a unilateral anomalous anching pattern of the Axillary artery, found on the right side in an old male cadaver during a routine cadaveric dissection. Conventionally, Axillary artery is described as having three parts – first, second, third – with reference to the tendon of insertion of Pectoralis minor muscle. Each part then gives off its own anches as first part one, second part two and third part three. In the present case, the first part of Axillary artery does not give any anch. The second part is seen to divide into – a) Superficial and b) Deep anches. Both the anches are of equal diameter. a) The superficial anch after giving Thoracoacromial Artery in second part and Anterior Circumflex Humeral Artery in third part continued in the arm as the achial artery. b) The deep (described by many as accessory axillary artery) anch distributed the following anches – i) Superior Thoracic Artery, ii) Lateral Thoracic Artery, iii) Accessory Thoracic Artery, iv) Subscapular Artery and v) Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery.

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Makarand V. Apte, Gauri M. Apte Unilateral Variation In The Branching Pattern Of Axillary Artery Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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