Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Ultrasound Doppler evaluation of placental abnormalities in second and third trimester.

Dr. Pranav Thombare, Dr. Prashant Titare, Dr. Varsha Kaginalkar, Dr. Anjali Dahiphale, Dr. Kavita Makasare

Abstract :

Evaluation of the placental abnormalities is important for appropriate management of patients. Ultrasonography is easily available and routinely done investigation in all pregnant patients. This study was done to evaluate the role of ultrasound with Doppler for detecting various placental abnormalities in second and third trimester. Retrospective analysis of the ultrasound reports in 90 patients with their placental abnormality was done excluding intrauterine growth retardation related (IUGR) placental abnormalities. Out of total 90 patients, 79 (88%) placental abnormalities were diagnosed correctly on ultrasound examination in antenatal scan. The study showed  importance of ultrasound and Doppler  imaging in detecting placental abnormalities with placenta previa being most common followed by placental auption and placental tumors as a least common abnormality.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Pranav Thombare, Dr. Prashant Titare, Dr. Varsha Kaginalkar, Dr. Anjali Dahiphale, Dr. Kavita Makasare, Ultrasound Doppler evaluation of placental abnormalities in second and third trimester., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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