Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Ultrasound and MRI correlation of rotator cuff injuries

Dr. Kunal Kalyanrao Patil, Dr. Nagesh. D. N. Seth, Dr. Priscilla Joshi

Abstract :

 To evaluate role of USG and MRI in rotator cuff injuries. Method and Materials: 50 patients with clinically suspected rotator cuff pathology underwent X–ray, ultrasonography and MRI of the affected shoulder. Ultrasound findings were compared with gold standard MRI. Results: The accuracy in detection of full thickness tear was 72% and 76% for ultrasonography and MRI respectively. Conclusion: ultrasound should be considered as initial investigation in rotator cuff injuries followed by MRI in doubtful cases.

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Dr.Kunal Kalyanrao Patil, Dr.Nagesh. D.N. Seth, Dr.Priscilla Joshi Ultrasound and MRI correlation of rotator cuff injuries Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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