Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2015


T. Karunakaran

Abstract :

Tsunami is the most devastating natural disasters in the world. For most people who live in land the greatest threat is from overflowing rivers and creeks. Normally extraordinarily heavy rainfall causes rivers and other waterways to overflow. The excess water creates deadly currents and sweep away people, causing them to drown. It also does a lot of damage in the initial surge and then with standing water. A tsunami has all of these detrimental effects plus the added destructive power crashing waves. It is obvious that tsunami is caused by a strong earthquake on the ocean bed. The viations travel through the water travelling sometimes thousands of kilometres. If you were on the water or deep sea diving in SCUBA gear you would not notice much probably just rough waves or a momentarily strong downward pull if you were underwater. However, a tsunami gains its true destructive power as it approaches land. The water level becomes shallower causing the waves caused by the earthquake to compress and combine. This is what creates the massive and destructive waves that cause so much destruction. The present paper is an attempt to recall the impact of Tsunami on the people who were escaped from the deadliest destruction.

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T. Karunakaran Tsunami‾Remembering an Unforgetteble Disaster Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 12 December 2015

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