Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Tribute to Head and Rivers. Update from their original description of sensory losses in intermediate and autonomous zones of severed individual nerves, to our findings in Multiple Mononeuritis and non-traumatic Meralgias due to systemic disorders.

Jr Santoni, Cj Santoni Williams

Abstract :


 Introduction. Head and Rivers reported sectioning their radial nerves resulted in larger zone loss of touch (intermediate) than pain (autonomous). Contrariwise, our examining cold instead of touch was reported in Multiple Mononeuritis(MM), with more frequent loss for pain than cold (2013). Method. To justify presently Heads original epicritic/protopathic theory, we have examined pain vs cold zones in 1248 new cases, beside performing tests for 13 common etiological factors of peripehral neuropathy. Results. From 101 male/ 143 female, 163 were MM:  69 Polyneuritis with bilateral Meralgia. Age average was 51.8 yrs. There were 700 sensory nerves: 365 with larger Intemediate pain zones: 335 with cold (P˂00.5).  In 415 etiology factors: 93 were Iron loss, down to 6 MS/GB secuelae. Older Syphilitic, younger Charcot–Marie. Conclusion. Lack of significant difference between pain and cold indicates similar fine fie damage vulnerabitlity at 51. Head had not reached sucha age at his own experiment.

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JR Santoni, CJ Santoni-Williams, Tribute to Head and Rivers. Update from their original description of sensory losses in intermediate and autonomous zones of severed individual nerves, to our findings in Multiple Mononeuritis and non-traumatic Meralgias due to systemic disorders. , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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