Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016


Prof. Pratima N. Mistry

Abstract :

 India has traditionally been the home of different cultures and people. Among the diversified population, a significant portion is comprised of the tribal people. The distinctiveness of the tribes lies in their rituals, culture, beliefs and above all the harmony in which they survive in unison with nature. Tribal communities lag far behind the general population so far as the standard of living is concerned. But then they have a very rich heritage of culture. They have their own religion, language, gods and goddesses, dressing, festivals, and food habits. Some of them are patriarchal and some are women oriented. The post independence era saw the tribal passing through great changes due to modernization and urbanization. The tribal people are clinging to their identity despite the external influence that threatened the tribal culture. The change that the tribal culture is passing through has both welcome and unwelcome impacts.

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Prof. Pratima N. Mistry TRIBAL FOLK CULTURE: STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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