Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Tribal Farming Methods: A Case Study of Konda Reddi in Andhrapradesh

Dr. P. Thiripalu, Dr . C Venkatsrarlu

Abstract :

In the forest ecology, the economic life of the kondareddi revolves round what is known as podu / swidden / step cultivation. There are certain distinct phases in shifting cultivation which ing to gather interacting between nature, man and spirit in a series of situations. The shifting cultivation of kondareddi may be understood which is generally process like selecting and cutting of forest, burning and removing of woods, sowing,wedding,watching, harvesting and worshiping precisely, the concept states that nature, I , e forest economy, podu ( shifting ) cultivation man social system, and spirit ( gossaiyan ) all from a complex and mutually interrelated with each other. The kondareddi have also adopted other sources of livelihood like forest labour, which includes bamboo cutting, horticulture and basket making. although the kondareddi dependent upon the traditional shifting cultivation, their constant interaction and contact with non-tribals have made some of the kondareddi settlements in the hills take to plough cultivation. Some kondareddi have also learned the techniques of tending the cattle and using them for cultivation.

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Dr. P. THIRIPALU, Dr .C VENKATSRARLU Tribal Farming Methods: A Case Study of Konda Reddi in Andhrapradesh Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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