Volume : X, Issue : V, May - 2020

Trial of labour after cesarean section

Dr. Arti Jayesh Patel, Dr. Naresh D Baraiya

Abstract :

Background: As in recent studies there is increase in caesarean section rate there is also upcoming question of how to manage subsequent pregnancy after previous caesarean section. To reduce repeat caesarean section rate vaginal birth after caesarean section has been proposed, Aims to the of study is to assess the predictive factors of successful VBAC and study the risks and benefits involved due to VBAC. Material & method: In this prospective study patient with previous caesarean section who were admitted for confinement at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in our tertiary care institution from June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 were randomly selected for study. Result: Out of the 200 pregnant patients with previous caesarean section ,maximum number of VBAC where is 15 % and registered patient 92.50% with age group of <25 years with pregnancy interval of >1.5 year. Conclusion: Trial of labour after previous caesarean section in our study we observed that with increase in maternal age and baby birth weight there were increase in rate of caesarean section

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TRIAL OF LABOUR AFTER CESAREAN SECTION, Dr. Arti Jayesh Patel, Dr. Naresh D Baraiya INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-5 | May-2020

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