Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Trends of Tuberculosis And Its Determinants In Urban Population of Delhi, India

Mary Grace Tungdim, Prerna Bhasin, Meenal Dhall, Deepali Verma, Heemanshu Aurora, Satwanti Kapoor, Anup Kumar Kapoor, Ngilyang Taley

Abstract :

Studies on the association of blood groups and tuberculosis have started since the 20th century and till date there is no plausible result on this association. It has also been an established fact that diabetes leads to tuberculosis infection but there are very few studies which support that antituberculosis treatment elevate the random blood sugar level. The present study was aimed at observing the trends of tuberculosis and its determinants in the urban population of Delhi India. The ABO blood grouping and rhesus typing were performed by using the standard slide agglutination reaction in 234(104 females and 130males) TB patients enrolled in various DOTS centers of North Delhi and 207controls (101 females and 106 males)in the age group 14–60years. The highest frequency of the occurrence of blood groups B and AB was found among tuberculosis patients which highlights a possible association between the incidence of tuberculosis and the blood groups B and AB. The patients within 0–2weeks of antituberculosis treatment were found to have higher mean blood sugar levels(167.3 mg/dl) as compared to patients within 2–5weeks of treatment(mean=122.7 mg/dl). A significant association between the incidence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and negative Rhesus antigen was observed(p<0.001). The present study showed that there was an association between tuberculosis and the blood groups B and AB. It is also evident that people with negative rhesus blood group have higher risks of extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

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Mary Grace Tungdim,Prerna Bhasin,Meenal Dhall,Deepali Verma,Heemanshu Aurora,Satwanti Kapoor,Anup Kumar Kapoor,Ngilyang Taley Trends of Tuberculosis And Its Determinants In Urban Population of Delhi, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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