Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Vishnu Renjith, Renu G, Anice George

Abstract :

Nursing is dynamic by its own way and this dynamism give rise to various trends. Sound empirical knowledge is the base of nursing as in any other profession. This knowledge is the base for all the innovations which in turn evolve as trends in nursing. The trends in nursing education are the cornerstone for the dynamic nature of nursing profession. The article outlines various trends in nursing education with reference to India. The trends are organized under the areas of Curriculum Innovations, Technology & Nursing, Student Population, Clinical Teaching Learning Process, Evaluation System, Quality Assurance, Knowledge expansion & Modes of Education.

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Vishnu Renjith, Renu G, Anice George Trends in Nursing Education Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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