Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Trend in Iodine Deficiency Disorders in Karnataka, India

Dr Girish N Rao, Dr Krishnamurthy U.

Abstract :

The key objective of the study was to find the trend in iodine deficiency disorders in south Indian state, Karnataka from past to present through the review of litreture. This study used electronic database and manual search to identify the studies. Search revealed 5 journal publications and 4 reports. The various epidemiological studies have used different epidemiological indicators for iodine deficiency. Salt samplings, total goiter prevalence and urinary iodine excretion were the indicators used. On asesssing the trend, two districts showed improvement, 2 persisted to be iodine insufficient and there were 5 districts which were not endemic by total goiter prevalence, but were showing iodine insufficiency by Urinary iodine excretion. Also, it was evident from most of the studies that less percentage of salts were adequately iodized. Many other factors like limitations of the indicators, intervening factors in disease pathphysiology like goitrogens and fluroide were revealed.

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Dr Girish N Rao, Dr Krishnamurthy U. Trend in Iodine Deficiency Disorders in Karnataka, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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