Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Dr. Sridhar Samal

Abstract :

 Children play a vital role in shaping the future destiny of a nation. They constitute the core of human resource potential which a nation cannot spare for the sake of future, but ironically the lives of a sizeable portion of our child population is at stake in a developing country like India. The child labour problem in Odisha is also alarming and has become too complicated that it needs urgent attention. It is not only from socio–economic point of view, but also from humanitarian angle also, the issue of child labour has drawn the attention of national and international community. Though there is no such specific definition of a child. The UNO conference 1989 on “Rights of child” considers individuals below the age of 18 years as a child. The international labour organisation (ILO) opines those individuals below 15 years of age as children. In India, according to the census, a child worker is one who works for the major part of the day and is below the age of 14 years. the remarks of UNICEF, a child labour is that child from age 5 to 11 years of age who are engaged for one hour of economic activity or at least 28 hours of domestic works in a week or children between 12 to 14 years of age who did at least 14 hours of economic activity and domestic works taken together in a week. India is the home of largest child labour in the world and every fifth child in the world is an Indian. Census data indicates an alarming increase of child labour from 11.28 million in 1991 to 21.29 million in 2011. Child labour system is not only a social evil but also a chronic socio–economic disease against humanity.

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Dr. Sridhar Samal, TREND AND DYNAMICS OF CHILD LABOUR IN ODISHA, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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