Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017

Treatment of Pier Abutment using Non�Rigid Connectors: Case Series

Dr. Niraja Jaiswal, Dr. Arti Gangurde, Dr. Parag Gangurde

Abstract :

 In fixed partial denture the unt of the occlusal forces is transmitted to the abutment teeth through pontic, connector and retainer, which is maximum on the terminal abutment due to the direction of the occlusal forces. Real problem arises when we encounter pier abutment. When occlusal load is applied to the retainer of the abutment tooth at one end of fixed partial denture, the pier abutment may act as the fulcrum. Thus, tensile forces may then be generated between retainer and abutment at the other end of the restoration. This will eventually result in debonding of the less retentive terminal retainer resulting in marginal leakage and caries. These failures can be prevented by using the oken stress mechanism provided by a non rigid connector. This clinical case series describes the use of non–rigid connectors to rehabilitate pier abutment cases.

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DR. NIRAJA JAISWAL, DR. ARTI GANGURDE, DR. PARAG GANGURDE, Treatment of Pier Abutment using Non�Rigid Connectors: Case Series, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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