Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Treatment Modalities of Panchakarma in the Management of ACL ligament tear– A case study

Shahbaz Guthi, B S Shridhara, Santosh L Yadahalli

Abstract :

 Knee problem can occur to anyone right from old age to young dancers without any age limitations. The knee joint is a complex structure which absorbs a significant amount of force on standing, walking, running etc. Acute knee injuries includes pain, swelling, difficulty in movements which may suggestive of ligament tear or fracture. Its severity depends on the cause and the structures involved. Some of them will be less severe yet still painful and functionally limiting. Most of the ortho cases are not cost effective and also very difficult to manage if surgery is adopted, so the treatment modalities of Panchakarma such as Sandhaneeya upanaha, Janu seka, Tikta ksheera Basti with some shamana aushadhis shown a symptomatic relief with significant improvement in functioning of affected knee.

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Shahbaz Guthi, B S Shridhara, Santosh L Yadahalli, Treatment Modalities of Panchakarma in the Management of ACL ligament tear– A case study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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