Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016


Dr. Chandra Mohan Sinha, Dr. Ashok Rai

Abstract :

 The aim of the study was to share our experiences with duodenal injuries and compare the outcome of simple duodenorraphy from the duodenorraphy with ante grade duodenal decompression by Ryle’s tube, gastrojejunostomy and delayed oral feeding quite contrary to being a retroperitoneal structure, duodenal perforation preceded always with features of peritonitis. Kocherisation of duodenum and opening of the lesser sac were also tested as an important maneuverer preoperatively together with the bilious staining of the tissues in the vicinity. A careful examination of all the intraperitoneal viscera and spaces was a rewarding practice.

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Dr. Chandra Mohan Sinha, Dr. Ashok Rai TRAUMATIC DUODENAL PERFORATION� OUR EXPERIENCES Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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