Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Transcendentalism and Thoreau: A Critical Reading of Walden

Amitabh Roy

Abstract :

There are quite a few varieties of transcendentalism among different transcendentalists. But the common ideas that bind them together are their rejection of Calvinism, idea if original sin, pessimism, depravity of man and all forms of authority. Transcendentalism, an idea against orthodoxy and Calvinistic tradition gained its ground especiallyin the writings of Henry David Thoreau. He was a man of unique sensibilities. He wanted to prove his words through his work. To prove his point he even went to the extent of taking refuge in solitariness and ought out his memorable creation ‘Walden’. The present paper is an attempt to critically evaluate the essay in the light of transcendentalism.

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Amitabh Roy Transcendentalism and Thoreau: A Critical Reading of Walden Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 9 September 2015

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