Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Trans Rectal Ultrasonography as A Diagnostic Modality in Evaluation of Prostatic Symptoms

Dr. Shekhar Shivam , Dr. R. S. Kharat, Dr. Rachit Goel, Dr. Mihir Birnale

Abstract :

Prostatic diseases can be expected to affect most men at some point of their life.1 A variety of diseases affect prostate. Prostatic carcinoma is the third most common cause of cancer2. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is another condition which affects more than 80% of the men. However, the common age of occurrence of BPH is after 80 years. It leads to various symptoms of urinary tract obstruction2 which are termed as Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Prostatitis is an inflammatory condition of prostate common in young adults associated with genitourinary infection4. Some other conditions like Prostatic cysts may be congenital or acquired can often lead to infertility in men1, 2.             The management of patients with prostatic conditions mainly relies on history taking, clinical examination and investigational modalities which additionally provide information for accurate diagnosis and later follow–up. The use of ultrasound has opened the door for further modalities to follow. Hence, it is important to diagnose and differentiate these conditions so that early treatment can be given and eventually reduce mortality and morbidity of the patients. However, the knowledge of use of TRUS in diagnosis and treatment of prostatic diseases is still scant. Hence it was decided to take up this study in this part of the country to evaluate TRUS as diagnostic modality on prostatic symptoms.

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Dr. Shekhar Shivam , Dr. R.S. Kharat, Dr. Rachit Goel, Dr. Mihir Birnale Trans Rectal Ultrasonography as A Diagnostic Modality in Evaluation of Prostatic Symptoms Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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