Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016


Mussa Mohammad

Abstract :

Tourism is one of the fastest ands largestt growing industries in India. The contribution of travel and  tourism      industry in the national as well as individual perspective is really amazing. in our country travel and tourism industries is one of the main source to earn foreign exchange earning.travel and tourism is the main sources of foreign exchange earnings in the world.   The World Tourism Organization recorded a number of international tourist and as well earning ratio.travel and tourism continued growth in tourism industries throughout the nations are becoming more concern to attract large no of tourist to their destinations and promoting the tourism sector as a main source for the economic growth of the nation.  business throughout the world is promoting and countries are becoming more concern to attract large number of tourists to their  destinations and trying to promoting this travel and tourism industries as a main source for the economic growth of the country. Indian is not unaffected by this point.. Kashmir is the “paradise on Earth” is one of the main tourist attraction in India. Travel and Tourism sector  is very much affected with perception the visitor carry with them about a destination. This study captured the tourist perceptions about Kashmir. With large travel andtourism development identifying the direction of the image perceptions of tourist towards in Kashmir. With the wide objective examining some dimensions of tourist perceptions related to overall and particular features of the places. and factor analysis method was used to interpretation and analysis the primary and secondary data– data.facter analysis has three facters.impect facter is more for Kashmir distenation and spots tourist attraction followed by Kashmir  ,tradition, hospitality and lifestyle.and the third facter is paradise kashmir. Findings resulted  and conclusion the tourist do not carry the level of positive perception for the Kashmir distinations.. 

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MUSSA MOHAMMAD, TOURIST¥ PERCEPTION OF DESTINATION IMAGE – A CASE STUDY OF KASHMIR TOURISM, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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