Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Tourism and Development in Andhra Pradesh – A Conceptual Frame Work

Dr. G. Malyadri

Abstract :

Tourism industry is the largest and most assorted industry in the world. It is a dynamic industry for most of the nations and their main source for generating income, providing employment opportunity, growth in the public and private sector and development in infrastructure. Developing countries are now encouraging the tourism development around the globe. Tourism development is the economic development of the countryAndhra Pradesh is one of the leading states in India. It is the heart of the south India. It attracts the largest number of tourists from domestic as well as international spheres. There are more tourist arrivals in Andhra Pradesh when compared to other states and ranks first. In the 21st century, it becomes most powerful in Asian continent by increasing and enlarging its ports with a happy blend of tradition and modernity

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Dr. G. Malyadri / Tourism and Development in Andhra Pradesh‾A Conceptual Frame Work / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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