Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Dr Amitabh Saha, Dr Bikram Dutta, Dr Sk Saini

Abstract :

 Topiramate is one of the medicines used for anticraving effects in most European countries. Even though Topiramate is a safe drug the case presently being reported developed features of acute bilateral close angle glaucoma. A 42–year–old man being followed up in psychiatric OPD for Alcohol dependence and was prescribed Tab Topiramate 100mg OD, presented with watering, redness, pain, and diminution of vision of both eyes, one week after initiation of therapy. On examination, both eyes showed corneal edema, shallow anterior chamber, conjunctival chemosis and intraocular pressure 48 and 46 mm Hg. The symptoms and clinical findings resolved completely upon discontinuation of topiramate and administration of antiglaucoma drugs. Topiramate–induced angle–closure glaucoma and other ocular side effects are reversible if the diagnosis is made early and the drug is discontinued in time. Hence, clinician awareness is an important aspect of preventability of this adverse event.

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Dr Amitabh Saha, Dr Bikram Dutta, Dr SK Saini TOPIRAMATE INDUCED GLAUCOMA IN ALCOHOL DEPENDENT CASE Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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