Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016

Tobacco use among Female Medical and Applied Medical Sciences Students in Jazan University, 1433H

Dr. Renad Jamal Jamil Hanawi, Dr. Abdullah Ali Qassim Shabani

Abstract :

 Background: Tobacco use is the most causes of early death and disease in the world. World health organization estimate 5 million deaths/year from tobacco use and this number will be exceed into 10 million in 2020.Approximately 70% of these deaths occurring in impoverished areas. Smoking among adults in general is related to the effects of modeling, social desirability, ready access to cigarettes, risk taking, feelings of being as low self–esteem, negative mood states and other mental health factors. Most smokers from groups with high level stress, alcohol, and drug abuse. Objectives: The specific objectives were (1) to measure the prevalence of Tobacco use; and (2) to determine the associated factors between female medical and Applied Medical science students in Jazan University. Methods: The study was conduct on 2012 by Stratified random technique is used to select students from each year using students list as sample frame. All female medical and applied medical sciences students at 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th in Jazan university were invited to complete Arabic questionnaire. Result: There is no prevalence of tobacco smoking between medical students, but in applied medical science there is 2 girls that represent (0,05%). Exposure to negative smoking was 38 (10,1%) between medical student while in applied medical science was 85 (22,7). Conclusion: – This study find no tobacco smoking between medical student but there is a few students smoking tobacco between applied medical students, there is no statistically significant between medical and applied medical science. ABSTRACT

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Dr.Renad Jamal Jamil Hanawi, Dr.Abdullah Ali Qassim Shabani, Tobacco use among Female Medical and Applied Medical Sciences Students in Jazan University, 1433H, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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