Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

To Study The Effect of Work Stress on Performance And Productivity of Hoteliers in Hotels of Delhi And NCT

Ajeet Kumar Singh, Dr. Nidhi Bhatia Gogia

Abstract :

The research paper focuses on Performance and Productivity standards of hotels of Delhi and NCT. It is a Survey based research and focus on the work life balance i.e. commonly missing due to longer shifts, eak shifts, no family life etc. leading to un-satisfaction and lowered motivation which badly affects hoteliers mental as well as physiological health and productivity. The never ending requisition of extra efforts, manpower and innovative techniques makes working in hotels highly challenging with unjustified remuneration leading to a high turnover of employees creating motivational instability. The result shows that role conflict, role ambiguity, peer pressure, highly competitive environment and performance pressure effect employee motivation positively and hence enhances the overall performance and productivity. As a suggestive measure the management must try to go for activity based appreciation, recognition programmes, certifications and even some monetary benefits if the employee has performed remarkably well. Management must organize some recreational activities for employees and help hoteliers increase their performance and productivity.

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AJEET KUMAR SINGH, DR. NIDHI BHATIA GOGIA To Study The Effect of Work Stress on Performance And Productivity of Hoteliers in Hotels of Delhi And NCT Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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