Volume : VI, Issue : X, October - 2016

To study the co�relation between alcohol and liver abscess.

Dr. A. Q. Khan, Dr. Sagar Daiv

Abstract :

 To study the co–relation between alcohol and liver abcess. Background:This retrospective study was conducted on 20 patients who underwent malecot catheterisation for liver abcess. Methods:The present study was undertaken on patients both male and female admitted in surgical ward of MGM Medical college and hospital ,Aurangabad.20 patients were taken up for the study with liver abcess greater than 50cc. and who underwent malicot catheterisation from OCTOBER 2015 to AUGUST 2016 . Results:The disease was mostly seen in males(19)(95%) and 1 female in age group of 20–60 yrs with average age being 34. 16 (80%)males found to be chronic alcholic.Along with alcoholism, poor economic status and malnutrition also plays a vital role as predisposing factor in the formation of liver abcess.Out of the 16 alcoholics ,14 were consuming higher amount of locally prepared alcohol.Only 5 patients had highly elevated liver enzyme level.4(20%) patients were non alcoholic. Conclusion:Chronic alcoholism is a strong, potentially modifiable risk factor for liver abcess.Chronic alcoholism especially locally prepared plays a major role as a predisposing factor for formation of liver abcesses.

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Dr.A.Q.KHAN, Dr.Sagar Daiv To study the co�relation between alcohol and liver abscess. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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