Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

To Study the Clinical Profile and Management of Carcinoma Rectum

Amir Ansari, Kb Golhar

Abstract :

 Background: Rectal cancer accounts for one third of all colorectal cancers. In Wardha region of India, the exact status of the condition is unknown hence the present study was undertaken to observe the clinical presentation of carcinoma of the rectum and stage of malignancy at the time of diagnosis in the population of in and around the Wardha region of India. Materials & Methods: A total of 33 patients of Carcinoma of rectum who reported in the OPD were part of the study. After detailed history, clinical examination, laboratory investigations and biopsy diagnosis was confirmed. Results: Mean age of the patients was 47.5 years and male predominance was seen. Most of the patients reported at stage IV. 1st symptom was bleeding per rectum. Majority of cases were operable. 61% (17) were treated with neoadjuvent chemotherapy followed by APR with colostomy, 10 % (3) were treated with neoadjuvent chemotherapy followed by anterior resection, in 15% (5) patient palliative colostomy was done and 9% (3) of patients were given palliative chemotherapy. Conclusion: Elderly patients with history of bleeding per rectum and any alteration in bowel habits should be screened meticulously for carcinoma rectum. This may help in diagnosing rectal carcinoma in early stage

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To Study the Clinical Profile and Management of Carcinoma Rectum , Amir Ansari, KB Golhar , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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