Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2017

To study pattern of reflux in patients of varicose veins and its correlation with clinical severity of disease and risk factors.

Dr. M. G. Vashist, Dr. Kanishk Goyal, Dr Udipt Shringi, Dr. Manish Verma, Dr Kanwar Singh, Dr. Jyotsna Sen

Abstract :

 Introduction: The Present study was done to see the pattern of reflux in patients of varicose veins and its correlation with clinical severity of disease and risk factors.

Methods: The prospective study included 100 patients of varicose veins, evaluated clinically for presence of risk factors and the reflux pattern was studied using colour doppler. Clinical status was characterized by the CEAP classification. The clinical severity was grouped into two categories, mild to moderate CVI (C1–C3) and severe CVI (C4–C6).The pattern of reflux and its correlation with severity of disease and risk factors was studied.

Observations: The most common risk factor in females was previous pregnancy, while in males it was prolonged standing. Increasing age was found to be associated with clinically more severe form (C4–C6) of disease. Majority of cases (74%) had mild to moderate CVI. Most common pattern of reflux found was Saphenofemoral Junction (SFJ) incompetence in 70% cases. It was found that presence of combined SFJ and SPJ reflux increased the chances of severe disease by 1.94 times when compared with isolated SFJ reflux. There was statistically significant corelation between long duratrion of standing with deep venous reflux and further development of a severe degree of CVI.

Conclusion: Prolonged standing was found to increase the chances of deep venous reflux which was in turn correlated with a severe form of CVI. Old age was also associated with a severe form of disease.

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Dr.M.G.Vashist, Dr.Kanishk Goyal, Dr Udipt Shringi, Dr.Manish verma, Dr Kanwar Singh, Dr.Jyotsna Sen, To study pattern of reflux in patients of varicose veins and its correlation with clinical severity of disease and risk factors., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2017

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