Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015


Dr. Prashant S. Dorkar, Dr. Shubha S. Chandorkar, Dr. Rachana Gaidole

Abstract :

A corn is a cone shaped localized hyperkeratinisation of the skin. It has a hard central core with the base on the surface and apex pointing inwards. The corn occurs due to undue pressure, chiefly affecting the toes and feet usually over a bony prominence.This was a prospective study of 90 cases with symptomatic plantar corn. These patients were randomly distributed in three groups for different treatment modalities. Each group contained 30 patients. Group A: Excision of corn and suturing of wound, Group B: Excision of corn and allow the wound to heal by secondary intention and Group C: Use of 40 % salicylic acid solution local application thrice a day for three weeks. Those patients who were not cured were switched over to other treatment modality. All patients were followed at the end of 1st and 6th month.It could be concluded from our study that with good compliance and proper technique of application, the use of local application of 40% salicylic acid solution is a simple and effective technique for the treatment of corns. However the greatest success in treating corns is achieved with a particular modality, is compliment with advice on proper foot care and choice of appropriate footwear and strict patient compliance.

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Dr. Prashant S. Dorkar, Dr. Shubha S. Chandorkar, Dr. Rachana Gaidole TO STUDY AND ANALYZE VARIOUS METHODS FOR TREATMENT OF PLANTER CORN. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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