Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018


Ms. Sangita Sakate, Prof. Mr. Avinash H. Salunkhe, Prof. Mrs. Vaishali R. Mohite, Mr. N. R. Kakade, Mrs. A. V. Katti

Abstract :

Background: The aim of the study isto assess degrees of under nutrition among ick kiln worker in Karad city. Objectivesof this study isto find out the BMI of ick kiln workers. To assess degree of under nutrition among ick kiln workers. To find prevalence of under nutrition among ick kiln workers. To find an association between selected demographical variables and BMI. Material &Methods used for the study is thecross sectional. Study was conducted on 82subject’s adult in ick factory workers in Karad City. Purposive Sampling technique was used and data was collected through structured interview questionnaire to evaluate [BMI ≤18.5 KG/M2] on 82 subjects.BMI based estimation of under nutrition BMI < 18.5 was 10 (12 %) while poor knowledge of under nutrition 72 (88 %.) Both these estimation comes under the high estimation category [12%] indicating a serious situation.The study was conducted on 82 Brick Kiln Workers Working in Karad City. The study adopted Health Belief Model (HBM) promotion model Theory.  The estimate prevalence among ick kiln workers Body Mass Index mean[22.01], SD [4.306] & P value < 0.0001.  Was higher than the mean pre– test score 10.69.

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Ms. Sangita Sakate, Prof. Mr. Avinash H. Salunkhe, Prof. Mrs. Vaishali R.Mohite, Mr. N.R.Kakade, Mrs.A.V.Katti, TO ESTIMATE PREVALENCE OF UNDER NUTRITION AMONG BRICK KILN WORKER IN KARAD CITY., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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