Volume : VIII, Issue : X, October - 2018

To Diagnose Antenatal Renal Pelvic Dilatation In India For Post Natal Outcome - An Anatomical approach

Dr. Roli Joshi, Dr. Deepa Deopa, Dr. A K Singh, Dr. Vinod Kumar

Abstract :

As the renalanomalies are most common anomalies during gestation period to be found. Renal pelvis dilatation is one of it, diameter of renal pelvis in human fetus establishes normative patterns of theirgrowth and size during the second and third trimester, in both genders and both side by classifying it in mild, moderate and severe. From obstetrics department 71 dead foetuses were collected, without any abnormalities to assess the pelvic dilatation and compare the data in both of sexes, sides and in second as well as third trimester.Student t test were used (p< .05) for stasticial analysis.More common bilaterally in male gestational age above 20 weeks mainly severe cases are found relation with gender and gestational age is found to be nonsignificant while both right and left side in moderate and sever cases were found to be significant (p <0.001). Our novel risks are useful for antenatal counseling at presentation. The low frequency of obstruction/ vesicoureteral reflux and hydronephrosis in mild renal pelvic dilatation raises questions over the most appropriate investigation of these cases but further data are required beforeestablishing definitive postnatal management pathways. We suggest the need for a large prospective multicenter study tocollect individual patient parameters/results and search for additional prognostic indicators.

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Dr. ROLI JOSHI, Dr. DEEPA DEOPA, Dr. A K SINGH, Dr. VINOD KUMAR, To Diagnose Antenatal Renal Pelvic Dilatation In India For Post Natal Outcome‾An Anatomical approach, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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