Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

To compare the conservative and aggressive management of Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) in Indian women at 34–36 weeks gestation in terms of duration of latent phase of labour.

Dr. Shachi Shukla

Abstract :

 Aim– To compare the conservative and aggressive management of Preterm prelabor rupture of memanes (PPROM) in Indian women at 34–36 weeks gestation in terms of duration of latent phase of labour. Materials & Method– 194 pregnant women with PPROM at gestational age 34–36 weeks admitted in labour ward were included in the study conducted from 2009 –2010 in department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, SMS Medical College, India. Random allocation to conservative & aggressive management group was done by offering Chit Box Method assigning 97 cases in each group. In conservative management cases were hospitalized & provided bed rest, Daily fetal monitoring, maternal vitals monitoring, Oral tab erythromycin 500 mg t.d.s for 7 days, Daily WBC count and C – reactive protein estimation. Expectant management was abandoned if there was clinical evidence of labour, infection or fetal distress. In aggressive management induction of labour was done by Tab Misoprostol 25 μg orally, at 4–6 hour intervals, for a maximum of 5 doses. Caesarean delivery was performed for standard obstetrical indication and for failed induction. After delivery neonatal care was provided by neonatologist Results– Out of 97 cases in aggressive management group majority i.e. 92 (94.85%) cases had latent period > 24 hours and in only 5 (5.15%) cases had latent period >24 hours. Similarly out of 97 cases in conservative management group, majority i.e. 86 (88.66%) cases had latent period >24 hours and only 11 (11.34%) cases > 24 hours. Conclusion– In aggressive management group duration of latent period in majority cases was > 24 hours and in conservative management group majority cases have latent phase >24 hours. Thus, in the present study difference in duration of latent period of PPROM in both the groups was highly significant.

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Dr. Shachi Shukla To compare the conservative and aggressive management of Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) in Indian women at 34–36 weeks gestation in terms of duration of latent phase of labour. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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