Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Tissue Expansion: A Valuable Tool for Reconstructive Surgery in head and neck scar

Dr G. S. Kalra, Dr Amit Kumar Sharma, Dr Kaustubh Shende, Dr Rahul Yadav

Abstract :

 Background: Resurfacing of large facial scar is a formidable challenge because of the unique character of the region and the limitation of well–matched donor site. In this study , we introduce a technique for using the tissue expanded skin flap for facial resurfacing, in an attempt to meet the principle of flap selection in face reconstructive surgery for matching the color and texture, large dimension, and thinner thickness of the recipient. Methodology: From 1st September 2013 to 29 Feuary 2016 total of 82 patients with scar over head and neck region were enrolled in this study. All patients were treated with tissue expansion technique. And total 104 expanders were palced. Results: The expanded skin flaps were transferred to the recipient site for facial resurfacing. All facial scars were successfully covered by the flaps. Although varied degrees (17.30%) of complication occurs. The results in follow–up showed most resurfaced faces restored natural contour and regained emotional expression and good patient satisfaction. Conclusion: Our experience in this series of patients demonstrated that the expanded skin flap could be a reliable alternative tool for resurfacing of head and neck scars.

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Dr G. S. Kalra, Dr Amit kumar Sharma, Dr Kaustubh shende, Dr Rahul Yadav Tissue Expansion: A Valuable Tool for Reconstructive Surgery in head and neck scar Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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