Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Thyroid profile of polycystic ovarian syndrome cases in a tertiary care hospital: A prospective observational study.

Kumudini Pradhan, Atal Bihari Dandapat, Kishore Chandra Mahapatra, Tusar Mahapatra

Abstract :

Introduction–PCOS is a spectrum of disease commonly manifest as menstrual irregularity, acne and hirsutism. Clinical manifestations including menstrual irregularities and impaired fertility is the results of anovulation and/or luteal phase defect is shared by both PCOS and hypothyroid women. We aim to find out the incidence of hypothyroid in women with PCOS and to study the effect of hypothyroid and PCOS on different clinical parameter.  

Materials and methods–  The study was conducted as a prospective observational study on 183 cases of PCOS who attended the OPD of VIMSAR, Burla, India, with the objective of finding the prevalence of hypothyroidism in PCOS and to determine the association between hypothyroidism and various clinical and laboratory parameters in PCOS.

Results– The mean age of patients with PCOS was 25.896 ± 4.69 years.  Women with PCOS presented with menstrual irregularity 158/183(86.34 %), hyperandrogenism in 147/183(80.33%) and 43/183(68.25%) presented with infertility. Acne, Acanthosis Nigricans and Hirsutism was seen in 65/183(35.52%), 29/183(15.85) and 55/183(30.06%) respectively. 69/183(37.70%) of cases had insulin resistance. When patients were tested for thyroid abnormality, 25(13.66%) found to have hypothyroidism, 2 (1.09%) had hyperthyroidism and 156(85.25%) had normal thyroid function. Patitents with PCOS with hypothyroidism had significantly increase incidence of acne, acanthosis nigricans, hirsutism, insulin resistance and high BMI (p<0.005).

Conclusion– As the features of both PCOS and hypothyroidism are overlapping and an association between these two disease states is not uncommon , thyroid profile should be analyzed which may help in better understanding of the etiology and management of PCOS.

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Kumudini Pradhan, Atal bihari Dandapat, Kishore Chandra Mahapatra, Tusar Mahapatra, Thyroid profile of polycystic ovarian syndrome cases in a tertiary care hospital: A prospective observational study., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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