Volume : IX, Issue : IV, April - 2019


Dr. P. Kesava Rao, Dr. S. Vidya Sagar, Dr. G. Swarnalatha Devi

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: Hypokalemic paralysis is a form of metabolic myopathy, which represents a Heterogeneous group of disorder characterized by Hypokalemia, acute flaccid paralysis and potentially fatal episodes of muscle weakness through the involvement of the respiratory muscles, and life threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Thyrotoxicosis is the most common cause of secondary Hypokalemic paralysis. Thyrotoxic Hypokalemic paralysis is common in the Asian population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It is a cross sectional study. Our plan is to see the association of thyroid abnormalities in Hypokalemic paralysis patients. Patients of Hypokalemic paralysis confirmed by clinical history, examination and laboratory investigations were included in the study done at Alluri Sitaramaraju Academy of Medical sciences from June 2017 to December 2018. RESULTS: Present study showed that majority of the patients were in the summer season, Maximum number of patients was in the age group of 31–40 years in both males and females. males were 16(53.3%) and females were 14(46.7%) with male to female ratio of 1.15:1, majority of the patients had hypokalemic paralysis as their 1st episode, there was no significance of recurrence. only 10 patients (33.33%) had weakness in their upper limbs among them) 9 patients had diminished deep tendon reflexes and only one patient (3.33%) had absent deep tendon reflexes in their upper limbs. CONCLUSION: This study found that most of the patients had symmetrical limb weakness in the form of paraparesis followed by quadriparesis.This study found that majority of the patients 16(53.3%) had Hypokalemic paralysis due to secondary causes followed by primary Hypokalemic paralysis in 14(46.66%)patients. This study found that only 10% cases of acute Hypokalemic flaccid paralysis with thyroid disorders among them hypothyroidism (6.67%) was common than hyperthyroidism (3.33%).

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THYROID PROFILE IN HYPOKALEMIC PARALYSIS, Dr. P. Kesava Rao, Dr. S. Vidya Sagar, Dr. G. Swarnalatha Devi INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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