Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Therapeutic role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in chronic abdominal pain

B. D Dhaigude, Abhishek Bhushan, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Bahul Vakaria, Prithviraj Patil, Shilpi Shree

Abstract :

 Background : Chronic abdominal pain is a significant clinical problem that often leads to laparotomies. Early Laparoscopy is safe and useful in establishing the diagnosis in suspected cases resulting in avoiding expensive, time consuming and sometimes fruitless investigations and allowing early treatment so the purpose of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic role of Diagnostic laparoscopy in cases of chronic abdominal pain. Methodology : Patients age group between 18 – 65 year with history of abdominal pain for 3 months or more & patients of recurrent abdominal pain with previous history of abdominal operation done were included in the study.Laproscopic procedure was done using standard scientific procedure . The stastical analysis was done using parametric and nonparametric test. Result : In our study thirty seven patients underwent appendicectomy, twelve patients underwent adhesiolysis, and cholecystectomy was done for six patients while performing DL. Conclusion : In our study, 93% of cases had resolution of pain after diagnostic laparoscopy. It can be concluded that diagnostic laparoscopy is safe, cosmetically better and having less morbidity and mortality.

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B.D Dhaigude, Abhishek Bhushan, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Bahul Vakaria, Prithviraj Patil, Shilpi Shree Therapeutic role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in chronic abdominal pain Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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