Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Angular Deformation of The Rigid Cardanic Transmission

Eugen Avrigean

Abstract :

The present study refers to the analysis of the cardanic transmission of motor vehicles using analytical calculations strictly applied on this in order to determine the maximum deformation compared to the allowable limit. The cardanic transmission is then analyzed with finite elements with the help of the Solidworks and Cosmos programs, thus learning some new information, which, together with the experimental data, allow us to grasp the operating behavior of the cardanic transmission. The experimental stand we used permits the charging with allowable value loads as given in the literature in the field. The study takes into account the three aspects: analytical, finite elements and experimental, in order to correct the obtained values.

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Eugen Avrigean Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Angular Deformation of The Rigid Cardanic Transmission Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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