Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

The Variability of Cervical Human Papillomavirus is not Clinically Important

Ledy Horto Santos Oliveira, Silvia Maria Baeta Cavalcanti

Abstract :

Human genital tract harbors approximately 40 papillomavirus types that vary in prevalence and pathogenicity. The goal of the present study was to trace the spectrum of uncommon HPV types in Rio de Janeiro State according to cytological status. A meta–analysis study included 891 women recorded in five Brazilian studies. The overall HPV prevalence was 32.8%. Thirty–three HPV genotypes have been identified. HPV 16 was the prevalent type, found in 27.7% of infected people. The types 26, 35, 39, 51, s82 (high risk), 40, 42, 44, 54, 70, LX100 (low risk), and 32, 62, 69, 83, and 84 (undetermined), were found in a low frequency and, except HPV 39, were not associated with abnormal cytology. Their predominance in young women, the fact that they have been more easily found in co–infections and the unlikely link with risk for cervical cancer allow labeling them as opportunistic infections of little clinical importance.

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Ledy Horto Santos Oliveira,Silvia Maria Baeta Cavalcanti The Variability of Cervical Human Papillomavirus is not Clinically Important Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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