Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

The Validity of Conventional Cerebellar Signs in Persons With Known Cerebellar Disorder

Manish Sharma, Apoorva Pauranik

Abstract :

BACKGROUND: There is need for more of scientific studies on the validity of traditional neurological teaching of clinical sign. Many textbook mention several cerebellar signs, But what the evidence base for these mention statements? A thorough search in the literature did not found the incidence of these cerebellar signs in cerebellar disorder and there validity. OBJECTIVES: to assess sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of each cerebellar sign in cerebellar disorder. METHODS: Residents in the department of medicine asked to examine healthy control or patients in a random order without giving them any information about the subject. RESULT; inability to do Tandem walking, Ataxic–gait , intention tremor , dysdiadochokinesi, dysarthria are having higher sensitivity while hypotonia and pendular knee jerk have lower sensitivity. CONCLUSION: Out of these 12 cerebellar signs, except Hypotonia and pendular knee jerk all were having statistically significant association.

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Manish sharma, apoorva pauranik The Validity of Conventional Cerebellar Signs in Persons With Known Cerebellar Disorder Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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