Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

The use of modal analysis to examine the bricks in the saline environment

Mariusz Zoltowski

Abstract :

Historic ick objects are subject to large dynamic loads clearly reflected by generated viation processes. The viations may affect state of serviceability of structures by lowering comfort of persons working there as well as possible reaching the level hazardous to safety of the structures. They are aslo often exposed to salt. The effect of viations to structure is mainly manifested by additional stresses in a given cross–section, which are summed up with those resulting from static loads. Moreover often occur consequences associated with environmental conditions and fatigue of materialswhich accelerate destruction of the objects. Therefore the dynamic loads may cause damaging effects in buildings of various structural types or even lead to their catastrofic destruction. Judging the necessity of improving the quality assessment methods of building structures for purposes of estimation of their state as well as safety factors for ick structures (see PN–B–03002 standard, p.3.1.3 and 4.6), the author of this work undertook an attempt to investigate destruction process of selected building structures exposed to salt by using the method of operational modal analysis

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Mariusz ZOLTOWSKI The use of modal analysis to examine the bricks in the saline environment Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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