Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

The Tradition of Tal–Vadya and Role of Mardal in Odissi Music

Prof. Dr. Jagannath Kuanr

Abstract :

There is definitely a distinctive position of ‘Tal–vadya’ instruments in the Indian system of music. First of the entire ‘Tal–vadya’ musical instrument ‘Mardal’, used in Odissi – music has left its mark in Indian music as a complete fully fledged musical instrument. The melodious sounds of Mardal accompanied with the rhythmic Chhandas of Odissi dance has appealed and enchanted a lot of people across the world. The ‘Tal–vadya’ musical instrument which is used in ‘Carnataki–music’ is called ‘Mrudangam’ and the musical instrument used for Hindustani music is called ‘Pakhawja’. Though the musical instrument ‘Mudangam’ and ‘Pakhawja’ has some resemblance with the ‘Tal–vadya’ instrument ‘Mardal’, but the shape , size and design and also the playing process of ‘Mardal’ is quite different and unique from other instruments. Some informative facts regarding the process and style of making ‘Mardal’ musical instrument are found mentioned in some ancient voluminous –books which had been composed or authored in Odisha

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PROF.(Dr.) JAGANNATH KUANR The Tradition of Tal-Vadya and Role of Mardal in Odissi Music Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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