Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015


Elena Tiron

Abstract :

The work is structured on several parts: introduction, roles of teachers–managers, teacher’s managerial obstacles, managerial personality. The goals of the work are: becoming aware of the necessity of the managerial professionalism of the teacher, the increase of the teacher’s creativity and independence in the educational process, assuming responsability of the teacher – manager. 1. In the introduction, there are compared the education and the management system with the purpose of emphasizing their interaction and the necessity of the teacher to become a true professional manager. 2. The roles of the teachers have been modified according to the changes occurred in the society. This is the reason why we have classified these roles by multiple criteria as it follows: – the environment the teacher comes from – the type of educational activity he practices – the interactivity of the roles: the information, the persons he interacts with, the decision 3. The managerial obstacles of the teachers that we processed are: perceptive, cognitive, emotional, cultural nature. In order to go over these difficulties, there is always necessary the teacher’s managerial professionalism 4. The managerial personality is structured on a new pattern: – the basic personality – the psycho–pedagogical fields – the psycho–pedagogical representations – the psycho–pedagogical beliefs and the convictions – the crystallized personality – the educational style – the managerial style. The methods used in the work are: the documentation, the longitudinal observation and the the analysis of management models. The development of all their personality structures and their interaction give an unique character to the teacher’s managerial personality. In conclusion, the teacher’s managerial personality is an important factor of the increase of the managerial professionalism level and of the efficiency of the Romanian teaching system. The teachers’ training in the field of the class and education management has positive effects on all the teachers of the pre–university and university education system. The originality of the work is given by the new structuring of the managerial personality and mainly by the focus on the systemic – situational managerial personality.

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Elena Tiron THE TEACHER-MANAGER Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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