Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

The Sudden Disaster in Cause Affiliated Marketing amid the Industries

R. Kanthiah Alias Deepak, Dr. C. Kathiravan, G. Sriram

Abstract :

The main purpose of the study is state the role of cause related marketing in sudden disasters in Uttarakhand flood disaster. Further the research aim is to find and analyse the various sectors contributed to the disaster and their role in cause–related marketing activity. The data was collected from 69 residents working in various sectors and 112 students from different B–schools and colleges in Chennai, India by using convenient sampling method. The Uttarakhand Sudden Disaster cause has been taken for the study and has elaborated in research. The research outcome reveals that Sudden Disasters are influencing positively and significantly on the Consumers’ Cause identification and cause Supportive Decision. Also sudden disasters are influencing positively on corporate image and consumer’s purchase intention. Further the nature of corporate are positively influences Cause identification and cause Supportive Decision

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R. Kanthiah Alias Deepak, Dr. C. Kathiravan, G. Sriram The Sudden Disaster in Cause Affiliated Marketing amid the Industries Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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